Nothing's Going to Change My World  Spring 1883, The Hotel Windsor, Melbourne 17-23 August, 2016  'Nothing's Going to Change My World' is Alex Seton's newest body of work that uses a corrupted form of traditional memorial statuary and sculptural in

Nothing's Going to Change My World
Spring 1883, The Hotel Windsor, Melbourne
17-23 August, 2016

'Nothing's Going to Change My World' is Alex Seton's newest body of work that uses a corrupted form of traditional memorial statuary and sculptural installation to create monuments to an uncertain future. 

From carved marble effigies these mixed media pieces, the works take a gentle sardonic sci-fi look at expressions of a nervous world  in prognostication, proselytizing, punditry and doomsayers. 

Central in the the body of work is 'The Prophet'; a formal portrait bust of the helmet of a hazmat suit, and the ‘Effigy Series’ a factory produced generic marble religious statue reworked for the western religious market, deconstructed and carved by the artist to reveal its bleached and hollowed insides . This narrative driven body of work ultimately reflects upon a changing world with an optimism in the resourcefulness of human nature. 

The Message 2016
Photographic print
Image by Mark Pokorny

   The Effigy Series   2016

The Effigy Series 2016

   Robes of the effigy   2016 Imperial white, found object

Robes of the effigy 2016
Imperial white, found object

   The Messenger   2016 Imperial white, found object, flare 37 x 40 x 77 cm

The Messenger 2016
Imperial white, found object, flare
37 x 40 x 77 cm

   Plinth of the effigy   2016 Imperial white, found object 30 x 37 x 63 cm

Plinth of the effigy 2016
Imperial white, found object
30 x 37 x 63 cm

   Hem of the effigy   2016 Imperial white marble 33 x 27 x 15 cm

Hem of the effigy 2016
Imperial white marble
33 x 27 x 15 cm

   Beard of the effigy   2016 Imperial white marble 10 x 16 x 7 cm

Beard of the effigy 2016
Imperial white marble
10 x 16 x 7 cm

   Staff of the effigy   2016 found sculpture, stainless steel 198 x 48 x 40 cm

Staff of the effigy 2016
found sculpture, stainless steel
198 x 48 x 40 cm

   The Prophet   2016 Pisanino marble, Belgian black marble, plastic 50 x 48 x 38 cm

The Prophet 2016
Pisanino marble, Belgian black marble, plastic
50 x 48 x 38 cm

  Nothing's Going to Change My World  Spring 1883, The Hotel Windsor, Melbourne 17-23 August, 2016  'Nothing's Going to Change My World' is Alex Seton's newest body of work that uses a corrupted form of traditional memorial statuary and sculptural in
   The Effigy Series   2016
   Robes of the effigy   2016 Imperial white, found object
   The Messenger   2016 Imperial white, found object, flare 37 x 40 x 77 cm
   Plinth of the effigy   2016 Imperial white, found object 30 x 37 x 63 cm
   Hem of the effigy   2016 Imperial white marble 33 x 27 x 15 cm
   Beard of the effigy   2016 Imperial white marble 10 x 16 x 7 cm
   Staff of the effigy   2016 found sculpture, stainless steel 198 x 48 x 40 cm
   The Prophet   2016 Pisanino marble, Belgian black marble, plastic 50 x 48 x 38 cm

Nothing's Going to Change My World
Spring 1883, The Hotel Windsor, Melbourne
17-23 August, 2016

'Nothing's Going to Change My World' is Alex Seton's newest body of work that uses a corrupted form of traditional memorial statuary and sculptural installation to create monuments to an uncertain future. 

From carved marble effigies these mixed media pieces, the works take a gentle sardonic sci-fi look at expressions of a nervous world  in prognostication, proselytizing, punditry and doomsayers. 

Central in the the body of work is 'The Prophet'; a formal portrait bust of the helmet of a hazmat suit, and the ‘Effigy Series’ a factory produced generic marble religious statue reworked for the western religious market, deconstructed and carved by the artist to reveal its bleached and hollowed insides . This narrative driven body of work ultimately reflects upon a changing world with an optimism in the resourcefulness of human nature. 

The Message 2016
Photographic print
Image by Mark Pokorny

The Effigy Series 2016

Robes of the effigy 2016
Imperial white, found object

The Messenger 2016
Imperial white, found object, flare
37 x 40 x 77 cm

Plinth of the effigy 2016
Imperial white, found object
30 x 37 x 63 cm

Hem of the effigy 2016
Imperial white marble
33 x 27 x 15 cm

Beard of the effigy 2016
Imperial white marble
10 x 16 x 7 cm

Staff of the effigy 2016
found sculpture, stainless steel
198 x 48 x 40 cm

The Prophet 2016
Pisanino marble, Belgian black marble, plastic
50 x 48 x 38 cm

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